Gestern war ich klug und wollte die Welt verändern.
Heute bin ich weise und möchte mich verändern.
"Bringing Yoga to Life" Donna Farhi
"The Power of Now" - Eckhart Tolle
"Zuversicht" - Ulrich Schnabel
"Eat, Pray, Love" - Elizabeth Gilbert
"Buddhism for Mothers" - Sarah Napthali
"Momo" - Michael Ende
"Revolution of the Soul" - Seane Corn
"The Myth of Normal" - Gabor Mate
" You cannot erase memories but you can let go of the heavy energy that is attached to them."
(Yung Pueblo)
Stewart Gilchrist, Flavia's main teacher in London - always has been and still is an inspiration
Nadia Narain, who safely guided her through her first pregnancy
Copyright © 2020 Flavia Yoga - Photos by Nela König